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Author: Hanna

Woooh, my second trip is almost over by now and has been quite exciting. It was very different, but quite an experience nonetheless.First Seattle and fun times with Divya - btw, a very good countermeasure against jetlag? Take a lengthy flight, a hurried stop-over, yet another flight, a good coffee and then a night out for night-sightseeing and some karaoke. Then some sound sleep and that's about it! And mind you, I was not only trying to cover the 9 hours time difference between German and Pacific time, but I had only two days before arrived from China, so in total I had to catch up on 15 hours time difference. And it worked quite well. ;-) So ever since I got here on the 25th, I had seen a good deal of Seattle before leaving for Portland.

The train ride was quite nice and I saw some pretty countryside. The conference here has been inspiring and there was even time to explore the city itself. It's a very relaxed and laid-back place, and just like in Seattle, you can tell that people over here seem to put emphasis on living well.

And oh yeah, they have Voodoo Donuts! ;-) But more on that later...

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